With so many confusing options, you are unable to decide between them. We help dispel your doubts and simplify.
You need a trustworthy peer as a sounding board, and are looking for someone trustworthy and at the same wavelength.
Our solutions span Engineering, Accounting, Legal, Marketing, Tech etc. We've got your back.
We propose an approach only after a deep understanding of your problem. All our solutions are bespoke. No Shortcuts.
We follow very high ethical standards to maintain the trust and faith you have reposed in us. Think Jerry Maguire.
We propose an approach analysing the issue from multiple angles, so as to make it holistic, pragmatic and sustainable.
Rootbox is the brainchild of Dr Vikas Sharma, an alumnus of BITS Pilani and Shaz Lal, an Alumnus of Univ of Richmond Virginia. Together we have mentored multiple organisations that were struggling with their market approach, product placement, digital marketing plan, pricing issues, team building and go-to-market strategy etc. Our approach has always been focused on problem solving and on our bottom line. We believe that if we bring value to our clients, they will eventually bring value to us.
Has rich experience of working in India, Singapore, USA, UAE, Hong Kong etc.
An Alumnus of Richmond Uni, Virginia. Has uncanny insight and foresight.
An alumnus of Miranda House, DU with commitment and focus. Our driving force.
An Alumnus of Hindu College, DU, and James Cook Uni, AU, currently heads the Academic practice.
N70/1 Sainik Farms, New Delhi 110062